Terms and Conditions

As all pages today, terms and conditions are mandatory...

Valid from: 2018-01-02


Me - Michał Zaborowski aka. TeXXaS

You - everyone else.

Processing your data

This site is not processing you personal information, with exception of contact form.

Site is not using cookie, with exception of contact form.

There is google analytics tracker, and comments system supported by Facebook. That companies processing your data, but you've already agreed on it.

Contact form

Page used to send information to me. Cookie is used to allow captcha - anti spam mechanism.

You are asked to provide an email, just in case you wish to get response. In practice captcha makes me sure you are not robot, so email is not needed for me. Both cookie, and your email are used only to provide contact service. No newsletters, selling emails - just direct person-to-person contact.

Code - permissions, my responsibility

I'm author of all the code, presented at this blog. I'm doing that in good will, with hope it can help someone. Please use it in the best way you can, but note that you do that on your own responsibility.

Full examples of code - if needed can be found on my GitHub. All code presented here - released on MIT license.

Other content, photos

I'm author of all photos, as well as of text. I disagree on using it in any form without my permission.